Friday, April 22, 2011

Remember the Chicken

Days to Wedding: 120
Days to Marathon: 169
Miles Run in past 7 days: 7.46

I had a Bridezilla moment.  Just one.  And it has cured me of that nasty little illness.

First a little back story: I have the most wonderful parents.  No, seriously, the best.  Since we got engaged in December, they have been super supportive and want to throw me the wedding of my dreams.  They are also very practical people (thank goodness they are, because I am not) and want to keep the cost of my wedding to a reasonable amount, an idea I am totally on board with.

Let me tell you, if you haven't planned a wedding before, there are tons of opportunities for you to spend lots of money. Literally ever time you make a decision, you can spend a small fortune. So we picked certain things to "splurge" on; wedding dress, photographer, venue...

Food. As an Iowa girl having spent the last 10+ years on a coast, I have searched for that wonderful cut of red meat just like I used to have growing up.  I have now accepted that it doesn't exist. So I figured at my wedding, I would have a filet.  A yummy, fresh, Iowa filet.

And then it happened.  My mom emailed, suggesting that since the filet option was the most expensive, we just offer everyone the chicken.

Chicken. Now don't get me wrong, I don't not like chicken.  I eat tons of chicken. But the thought of me, in my beautiful wedding dress, at the most beautiful venue, with my friends and family all there to celebrate my fiance and my commitment to each other... and we are eating F*#KING CHICKEN!??

I totally lost it! I was crying, slamming my fists on the floor, yelling at the invisible person in my house, practicing a nice way to tell my mom she had lost it if she thought I was gonna eat chicken at my wedding...

And then we went to the food tasting.  And you know what? The chicken was damn good. Like in the top 5 chicken dishes I've even had good. And the New York Strip too. And the filet? Enh, no thanks.

So now, every time something in the wedding planning isn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, I just tell myself "Remember the Chicken" and know that no matter what happens, my wedding day is still going to be wonderful, amazing and memorable.

So long, Bridezilla!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Decision

I am going to run a marathon in October.

I am getting married in August.

I currently run 0 miles a week.

Ok, ok, I hear you.  How am I going to be ready to run a marathon in 6 months when I don't run at all?  I am not that out of shape.  I used to run 20 miles a week.  8 years ago.  When I was in college.  I also used to play volleyball, tennis, dance and do yoga regularly.  So I was athletic.  And yes, I did get lazy. Which is exactly why I want to run a marathon.

I am inviting you to come on the journey with me as I train for the marathon and plan my wedding.  It should be fun.