Sunday, June 12, 2011


In honor of Gay Pride here in Los Angeles today, I wanted to take a moment and share with you what pride means to me, a straight woman.

I am blessed to have spent the last 10 years of my life living in cities where people come to be themselves. When I moved to Boston in 1999, I myself was on a journey of self discovery.  Having morphed into a person I no longer understood in the final months of my high school experience, Boston was a fresh start for me, a clean slate.  My collage friends welcomed me into an artistic community where, for the first time in a long while, I could relax, be myself, and begin to shed the layers of negativity I had brought into my life.  I was learning not only about my art, but about myself and how to be proud of who I am again.

For me, this is what Pride is about; being embraced by a community, shedding negativity, and learning to love who you are.

So to all my friends, colleagues and people I don't know who are at Pride, thank you. This world is a better place because you are here.

Friday, June 10, 2011


You'll laugh.  You'll cry.  You'll jump out of your seat.  How Super8 got it right.

Maybe its because I'm fresh off of last nights South Park (ep.15.07).  Maybe it's because I went to a midnight showing opening night.  Or maybe Super8 is just a really good, fun summer movie.  But I loved it.

For those of you who missed South Park's mid-season series finale last night, it's central theme was cynicism.  While the internet has both given us a voice and the resource for researching where to spend our hard earned dollars, mostly it has proven to be the place where everyone goes to rip each other a new one.  Gone are the days of a simple "Yeah, it was good" or "Nah, don't bother" word of mouth review from one friend another.  We now analyze every moment of the film in order to tear it to shreds online for all to see, usually with an attempt at being comedic.  And for those of us not writing the blogs, we use the internet as a way to form opinions. I mean, when was the last time you made a point to see a movie that had a 38% on Rotten Tomato?

I'm not saying there are no movies that deserve to be ripped to shreds.  Hollywood turns out quite a bit of crap and we need to let them know it's crap so they stop making it.  But there are movies that should be seen that are not, simply because the opinion on the internet is negative. (Side note: I am fully aware of the irony of writing these statements on my blog)

So after watching South Park examine both it's own cynicism and ours, I went into Super8 with a fresh, open mind.  Also, going to a midnight showing is incredibly helpful.  If you ever want to see a fanboy movie in the best possible situation, go see it on midnight the day it opens.  You will surrounded by geeks (me included) who simply can't wait another minute to see it.  They will cheer, they will boo, they will take you with them.  It's almost like watching live theatre; there is an energy in the crowd that is contagious and it makes the movie going experience that much more fulfilling.

But it is entirely possible that none of these other things matter, because Super8 is just a good movie.  Sure, there are some holes (I didn't say it was perfect) but the emotion of the boys and the story carry you right through them and you quickly forget. And I meant it when I said you will laugh.  The young perspective on these crazy happenings is fresh and honest and quietly reminded me of my own, lesser childhood moments of panic. Kudos to April Webster, JJ Abrams, Steven Speilberg and the host of others who put the cast together.

The use of CGI in this movie is also to be applauded.  In a day and age when actors spend months on a green screen and everything is done in post (Green Lantern and Avatar I'm talking to you) it's refreshing to watch a film where you feel like they did everything they could to physically do everything they could possibly do.  I know this movie is filled with CGI, there is no way it couldn't be for the price tag, but aside from a few moments, I remained blissfully unaware.

I'm not going to say anything else about the movie except that it was magical.  The modern touch and skill of Abrams complimented by the old school charm of Speilberg made me remember what I love about going to the movies.  Because it looked like a movie and felt like movie, but hey, it is a movie.  And one totally worth checking out.

Monday, May 23, 2011

One Step

Days to Wedding: 89
Days to Marathon: 138
Miles run in last 7 days: 12
Most Consecutive miles: 3

It's amazing how once you commit yourself to one big project, you feel ready to take on 10 more.

So now not only am I training for a marathon and planning a wedding, I am writing a musical.  I have always wanted to write a musical and since I am up everyday to work out, time is simply presenting itself to work more.

It's a daunting task.  There is so much to do and since I started from scratch, I had many many MANY decisions to make.  But really it's just like running.  One step at a time.  If you have your eyes only on the finish line and how much further you have to go to get there, giving up seems like a viable option.  BUT if you focus on where you are and do one thing at a time, you will get there.

I'm not telling much about the actual musical.  It's a new idea, no one has done anything quite like it before so I'm hoping to do something innovative.  Only time will answer that.  But I will tell you, I will only get there by focusing on right now, not the end.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Facelift

Days to Wedding: 107
Days to Marathon: 156
Miles run in the last 7 days: 6.16
Most Consecutive Miles: 3.0

My training program has gotten a facelift.  A much needed, non scary (talking to you Kenny Rodgers) facelift.

Under my original plan, the first 10 weeks of training were timed runs.  At first that seemed genius.  No pressure to go at a fast pace, walk a little if you need to, just keep moving.  But in practical application, the mental hurdle was HUGE.  I'm talking pole vault status.  It's hard for me to stay motivated to push through when at 15 minutes I'm only half way there.  Time just slows down...

And to be fair, I'm already averaging a 9 minute mile.  So it doesn't make sense to have me run that pace for 30 or 40 minutes when my first week of distance running starts at 3 miles...

So I will now be running 3 miles, 4 or 5 days this week and gradually increasing. My first week of scheduled distance runs has me running 15 miles during the week.  With my new program, I may actually be slightly ahead of schedule!! Go over achieving!

One last word- I am using the app Endomondo to track my training progress.  I have the free version on my Droid X and it is fabulous! It keeps track of my route (via GPS), total milage, mile pace, calories burned and more! I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Royal Blunder

Days to Wedding: 109
Day to Marathon: 158
Miles run in last 7 days: 5.66
Most consecutive miles run: 2.15

As you may notice, my miles this past week are very low.  This is why.

My interest in other people's weddings is very high at the moment.  So it should come as no surprise that my interest in the Royal Wedding was immense.  The coverage started here in California at 1am so I of course waited up to see it start.  Now the ceremony was supposed to begin around 3am so I made a bargain with myself.  I would record it, stay up to see her dress (!) then hit the sack.  It is the middle of my work week, you know.

So of course the minute she stepped out of the phantom, I was wide awake.  So I stayed up. Til 6am.  I watched the whole thing.  Twice.

So after very little sleep, I was up and working.  And because of my super late night, I missed my run on Friday, which I justified by saying that I would make it up on Saturday.  Now my schedule is now totally off which leave me sleepless Friday night. And wouldn't you know it, when I wake up Saturday, I am sick.

My sickness lasted through the weekend and here we are, tuesday, and I'm finally getting back to normal.  I have missed three days of running, which makes me nervous, but I am reminded that I am in this for the long haul and so a few days aren't going to push me off course.  I can get back on top of this, I know I can.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Remember the Chicken

Days to Wedding: 120
Days to Marathon: 169
Miles Run in past 7 days: 7.46

I had a Bridezilla moment.  Just one.  And it has cured me of that nasty little illness.

First a little back story: I have the most wonderful parents.  No, seriously, the best.  Since we got engaged in December, they have been super supportive and want to throw me the wedding of my dreams.  They are also very practical people (thank goodness they are, because I am not) and want to keep the cost of my wedding to a reasonable amount, an idea I am totally on board with.

Let me tell you, if you haven't planned a wedding before, there are tons of opportunities for you to spend lots of money. Literally ever time you make a decision, you can spend a small fortune. So we picked certain things to "splurge" on; wedding dress, photographer, venue...

Food. As an Iowa girl having spent the last 10+ years on a coast, I have searched for that wonderful cut of red meat just like I used to have growing up.  I have now accepted that it doesn't exist. So I figured at my wedding, I would have a filet.  A yummy, fresh, Iowa filet.

And then it happened.  My mom emailed, suggesting that since the filet option was the most expensive, we just offer everyone the chicken.

Chicken. Now don't get me wrong, I don't not like chicken.  I eat tons of chicken. But the thought of me, in my beautiful wedding dress, at the most beautiful venue, with my friends and family all there to celebrate my fiance and my commitment to each other... and we are eating F*#KING CHICKEN!??

I totally lost it! I was crying, slamming my fists on the floor, yelling at the invisible person in my house, practicing a nice way to tell my mom she had lost it if she thought I was gonna eat chicken at my wedding...

And then we went to the food tasting.  And you know what? The chicken was damn good. Like in the top 5 chicken dishes I've even had good. And the New York Strip too. And the filet? Enh, no thanks.

So now, every time something in the wedding planning isn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, I just tell myself "Remember the Chicken" and know that no matter what happens, my wedding day is still going to be wonderful, amazing and memorable.

So long, Bridezilla!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Decision

I am going to run a marathon in October.

I am getting married in August.

I currently run 0 miles a week.

Ok, ok, I hear you.  How am I going to be ready to run a marathon in 6 months when I don't run at all?  I am not that out of shape.  I used to run 20 miles a week.  8 years ago.  When I was in college.  I also used to play volleyball, tennis, dance and do yoga regularly.  So I was athletic.  And yes, I did get lazy. Which is exactly why I want to run a marathon.

I am inviting you to come on the journey with me as I train for the marathon and plan my wedding.  It should be fun.