Monday, May 23, 2011

One Step

Days to Wedding: 89
Days to Marathon: 138
Miles run in last 7 days: 12
Most Consecutive miles: 3

It's amazing how once you commit yourself to one big project, you feel ready to take on 10 more.

So now not only am I training for a marathon and planning a wedding, I am writing a musical.  I have always wanted to write a musical and since I am up everyday to work out, time is simply presenting itself to work more.

It's a daunting task.  There is so much to do and since I started from scratch, I had many many MANY decisions to make.  But really it's just like running.  One step at a time.  If you have your eyes only on the finish line and how much further you have to go to get there, giving up seems like a viable option.  BUT if you focus on where you are and do one thing at a time, you will get there.

I'm not telling much about the actual musical.  It's a new idea, no one has done anything quite like it before so I'm hoping to do something innovative.  Only time will answer that.  But I will tell you, I will only get there by focusing on right now, not the end.

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